

France in WWII/雲程雙魚鏡


有趣的在這裡:法國本土在二次大戰中,除了合法政府播遷到維琪(稱為「維琪政府」Vichy government),控制法國南半部 控制法國南半部,並於戰爭前半期與英美等國維持正式的外交關係之外, 之外,領土還分為四種地位與當局
˙帝國兼併區(Territory Annexed to the Reich)、
German Occupied Zone)、
˙德國租界(German Settlement
˙義大利佔領區(Italian Occupied Zone
˙ 比利時與法國北部軍事管理區(Military Administration of Belgium and Northern France)
基 於國際法下國家的「同一性」(identity),戰後由「自由法蘭西」(Free French)為主數個團體所合組的法國政府(第四共和),成為維琪政府的「繼承政府」(successive government),代表法國,是與維琪政府一樣,先後擔任法國代表的合法政府。



法國承認其納粹大屠殺角色 BBC2009.02.17



法國最高行政法院(the Paris administrative court)做出的一項裁決說,在1942年到1944年期間,法國維琪政權在沒有受到德國佔領軍脅迫的情況下允許或協助這一遣送行動,導致反猶迫害。




法國前總統席哈克在1995年上台後不久,便承認政府對此負有責任(the French state's responsibility)。


French Holocaust role recognised ■BBC2009.02.17

France's highest court has recognised the state's "responsibility" for the deportation of Jews in World War II.

The Council of State said the state had permitted or facilitated deportations that led to anti-Semitic persecution without being coerced by the occupiers.
But the council also found reparations had since been made "as much as was possible, for all the losses suffered".
Correspondents say the ruling is the clearest such recognition of the French state's role in the Holocaust.
Between 1942 and 1944 some 76,000 Jews were deported from France by the Vichy government in collaboration with the German occupying army.
In 1995, former French President Jacques Chirac officially recognised the French state's responsibility in the deportation of French Jews, putting an end to decades of ambiguity by successive governments.
"These dark hours forever sully our history and are an insult to our past and our traditions," he said. "Yes, the criminal folly of the occupiers was seconded by the French, by the French state."
Previous administrations had always blamed either Nazi Germany or the Vichy government, absolving the French state of responsibility.

Compensation claim

The Council of State's pronouncement on Monday came after the Paris administrative court sought its opinion on a case brought by the daughter of a deportee killed at Auschwitz, who is seeking reparations from the French state.
She is also asking for material and moral damages for her own personal suffering during and after the German occupation.
In its judgement, the council said it believed the responsibility of the state was evident because it had "permitted or facilitated the deportation from France of persons who had been victims of anti-Semitic persecution".
The state's actions were not the result of "direct constraints put upon it by the occupying force", it added.
The council cited "arrests, internments and displacement to transit camps" carried out by the French authorities, which it said were "the first stage of the deportation of these people to camps in which most of them were exterminated".

However, the court also said that it did not believe the government should be liable for any further compensation claims.
"The reparations required called for individual compensation for victims, as well as a solemn recognition of the state's responsibility and of the loss and damages collectively suffered," it explained.
"The various measures taken since the end of World War II, both in terms of compensation as well as symbolic reparation, have repaired, as much as was possible, all the losses suffered."
In 2007, a Bordeaux appeal court overturned a ruling ordering the state railway operator, SNCF, to compensate the family of deportees. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7893127.stm

