
A true experience of White Terror : 調查局也找上門

/ Paul Lin 林保華

Thursday, Jul 23, 2009, Page 8

At about 9pm on July 14, my wife received a phone call from the local section chief of the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice. He said there would be a report on the alleged arrival of pro-­Xinjiang independence activists in Taiwan in Next Magazine (壹周刊) magazine the following day and that according to information obtained from the bureau’s Kaohsiung office, the activists were in some way connected to me. The man first requested to visit us at home and then said he was already downstairs.

My wife’s first response was that we would sue anyone who made such accusations. Although the man was very polite, we had no reason to welcome such an unexpected visit.

I have a very busy schedule. Even if I did not, and had met the man, it could have been construed as an admission of my association with the ­Xinjiang independence movement as well as several other individuals who the officer identified as “terrorists.” He then changed his request, asking that we meet for a few minutes downstairs to exchange name cards.

I still refused his requests, because linking me to “terrorists” is a groundless accusation and insulting. I demanded that he provide official documents as proof that he wanted to meet me, as there was no other way to ascertain his identity.

Since my friends and I established the Taiwan Youth Anti-Communist Corps (台灣青年反共救國團) last month, police have come to my home, saying I was a listed target for monitoring. Now the Investigation Bureau is accusing me of colluding with so-called terrorists. I don’t know what they will accuse me of next. Initially I had not intended to make this information public because, as a regular citizen, I did not want to offend the bureau and cause trouble for myself.

I also did not want the officers to be blamed by their supervisors either, because they were simply following orders and had no choice in the matter.

However, things did not end there. After two days, a computer that I purchased one year ago started acting up. I called in a computer specialist and asked him to identify the cause of the problem. He discovered that some parts of my system had been damaged.

Even more odd is the fact that while he could not find any Trojan software on my computer, even when I was not surfing the Internet information would automatically be transmitted from my computer.

The only way I could stop this was by unplugging my Internet connection.

For my research and writing, I download large amounts of information from various online sources every day and store the data on my computer.

Within the space of 15 hours, more information had transmitted itself out of my computer than I had saved on it.

There is no doubt, therefore, that someone is stealing my information and wants to know what sort of “confidential” material is stored in my computer.

My wife and I also suspect that our telephone is being tapped, as we have been hearing strange noises for a while. Now whoever is behind this has gained access to my computer.

I do not claim that this has anything to do with the Investigation Bureau. But it is now obvious that I am somehow a “dangerous person” in the eyes of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).

I am, furthermore, well known as a critic of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and recently gave a series of talks and published articles about the violence in Urumqi in which I called on Chinese authorities to pay more respect to the human rights of Uighurs.

I have obviously become a thorn in the CCP’s side and I really have to ask myself if the KMT and the CCP are not cooperating on my case.

I am a harmless individual with no power whatsoever. I would never use, let alone advocate, violence against the KMT and the CCP. I managed to free myself from the CCP’s control years ago and I now live in the free world.

However, seeing my compatriots oppressed and exploited by the CCP, and with worrying signs that Taiwanese could soon face similar treatment, I cannot in good conscience remain silent.

My outspokenness appears to have upset certain groups and may have prompted them to take action against me.

I am worried that other strange things will happen to me. This is the motivation behind the release of this article. I hope that people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, the US and even my old compatriots in China continue to pay close attention to my human rights.

If anything happens to me, please remember me. Although I was cheated by the CCP for almost 30 years, I have lived the second half of my life to the fullest. I have a clear conscience and can face people proudly and honestly. I hope Taiwan will come together to protect their rights and that Taiwanese can reach out to people in China in opposing the twin despotism of the KMT and the CCP.

Paul Lin is a political commentator.



七月十四日晚上九點左右,我正在準備第二天到民進黨中常會講新疆烏魯木齊流血事件講稿時,我太太楊月清接到調查局本區組長的電話。他說,第二天出版 的「壹週刊」有一篇「疆獨」已經來到台灣的報導,根據調查局高雄站的情資,這些人與你先生林保華有關,因此要求到我們家裡見面,後來甚至表示,他已經在我 們樓下了。

我太太的第一個反應是,誰再講這種話,我們將告他。因此雖然來人很客氣,但是對這樣一個不速之客,我們沒有歡迎的理由。不要說我正忙,就是閒著,把 我說成與「疆獨」(因為高雄準備開世運會而暗示他們就是恐怖份子)有關,我如果接待,不就是承認我與恐怖份子有關?後來他又降低要求說只要見五分鐘或三分 鐘,或請我們下樓見一分鐘,交換名片就好。但我還是拒絕了,因為把我無端端與恐怖份子掛鉤,是對我的侮辱。


自從我與幾位朋友組織「台灣青年反共救國團」以來,警察也到過樓下說我是列管對象;現在調查局又說我與恐怖份子有關;將來還會說我甚麼?我不知道。 本來我還沒有決定是否要把事情說出來,因為我作為一個小民,實在不願得罪調查局而給自己惹麻煩,我也不想這些做具體事務的人士因此而被上級責罵,因為他們 也只是奉命行事而已,人在江湖,身不由己啊。

但是,事情似乎沒有就此了結,因為過了兩天,我才買一年的新電腦出現異常情況,請專家來檢視,發現內部有的系統受到破壞。最奇怪的是,電腦裡查不出 有木馬,但是即使我沒有在上網,電腦裡的資訊也會自動流出,除非我拔掉網路線。我每天從各式媒體存下大量資訊進入我的資料庫作為我研究與寫作的素材,但十 五小時內,流出的資訊居然比我存入的資訊要多,顯然有人在偷我的東西,想了解我這裡有甚麼「機密」。

其實,我們早懷疑電話被竊聽,因為常常出現怪聲,而現在黑手進一步伸進我的電腦。我不是說這與調查局有關,但是顯然我現在成為執政的國民黨眼裡的 「危險人物」。而因為我打出「反共」旗號,最近又因為烏魯木齊流血事件發表多次講話與書寫文章,呼籲尊重維吾爾人的人權,顯然也成為共產黨的眼中釘,因此 國共合作來對付我?是國民黨「聯共制林」,還是共產黨「聯國制林」?

我手無縛雞之力,我更不敢用暴力對抗國共兩黨,但是螻蟻尚且偷生,何況掙脫了共產黨的控制而正在自由世界裡過著自由生活的我。但是看著我過去的同胞 仍然被共產黨壓迫、剝削,看著台灣人也將淪為與中國人同樣的命運,才促使我本著良知多說幾句話。但也就是這些話,觸犯某些利益集團而要這樣對付我。

我很擔心未來還會有甚麼怪事、壞事降臨到我頭上,所以被迫將這些事情公布出來,也希望台灣民眾,以及香港與美國的朋友們,乃至過去我的中國同胞也關 注我的人權。如果將來我出現甚麼意外,請記住我這個人,雖然前半生被共產黨騙了接近三十年,但是我的後半生沒有白過,我對得住自己的良知,對得住人民。也 期望台灣民眾能夠團結起來維護自己的人權,並且與中國民眾一起,對抗國共的專制合流。


